Our Research
We are interested in understanding the cellular and circuit basis of motor control, particularly in the context of movement disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease and Dystonia. In these conditions, the basal ganglia and connected structures, which govern normal motor and cognitive control, are dysfunctional. We use a combination of mouse models of disease, optogenetics, behavior, and slice and in vivo electrophysiology to identify aberrant synaptic connections or patterns of activity that contribute to disease phenotypes. We hope that by identifying the underlying cellular and synaptic mechanisms, new treatments can be developed for these disorders.
Current Areas of Interest
- Cellular and Circuit Mechanisms of Action Selection
- Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and its Mechanisms in Movement Disorders
- Function of the Healthy and Diseased Basal Ganglia in Cognitive Control
- Eye Movement Control Systems in Movement Disorders
- Sleep Disturbances in Parkinson's Disease